Statistics have revealed that 1 out of 3 kids in the country today are overweight. Currently, kids spend an average of 4 hours in front of the television or playing video games and less time doing any other activity. This is a very alarming number given the fact that obesity has been highly related to more serious health conditions such as diabetes and stroke. Because of this, kids are highly advised to have a regular exercise regime for weight control.
One of the best exercise activities that you can introduce to your kids is walking. Most, if not all kids, love being outside which makes walking the perfect activity to help them burn off those excess pounds. But walking per se is not enough. You also need to monitor their activity to make sure that they are doing just enough walking to actually burn calories. The best tool that you can use for monitoring is a pedometer for kids.
A pedometer is a small electronic device placed around the wrist or around the waist.
The machine can give the wearer information on the total number of steps he has taken or the total walking distance that he has covered. Pedometer for kids allows you to estimate just how much more activity your kids should be doing in a day. But aside from that, these watches for kids also prevent them from getting over-fatigued with activity.
In a way, pedometers for kids can also serve as a good motivation to do more walking and activity. Knowing just how little activity they are doing in a day will challenge your kids to walk around more and burn off those excess pounds in the process.
Aside from the watches, there are also other pedometer designs that are placed around the waist.
However, most kids tend to prefer the pedometer watches simply because they are more convenient and less of a hassle to put on.
There are actually various pedometer models sold out in stores. So if you are looking for the perfect pedometers for kids, it is best that you keep it simple. Look for simple-step pedometers that can give you data on the number of steps or the walking distance that your kids cover in a day. This is the most basic information that you need to know. Aside from that, simple-step pedometers are much cheaper than the more complex models, which can help save up a few dollars at the same time.
One very important feature that you need to have in pedometers is accuracy. Make sure that your pedometer can give you accurate and correct data. How can you tell exactly? It’s simple. All you need to do is to buy pedometers for kids from well trusted brands. No, they do not need not be expensive and fancy but go for the simple and trusted models instead.
And since they will be wearing them the whole day, make sure that these watches for kids are comfortable to put on as well. If not, you’ll probably have a harder time convincing them to put it on than to get them exercising.
Pedometers for kids are a great way to track your progress when it comes to improving or maintaining your fitness level.
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